2. Cut a glowstick and shake the contents in the jar... I would use jam jars ( cause its inexpensive, and has a lid)
3. Seal the jar with a lid.
4. Shake hard
5. Have fun
It last a pretty long time, and its pretty fun for all ages!
Glowing Celestial Mason Jars! Instructions.
1) Break open a glow stick and poor out its contents into a jar with a seal and a lid.
2) Pour glitter inside ( diamond dust or glow in the dark glitter works best)
3) Put the seal and lid on and shake well. It should last up to 4-6 hours depending on the brand of glow sticks. Shut off the lights and have fun. Perfect for Summer nights.
Wow, kok bisa ya. Perlu dicoba ini.
BalasHapusso easy to apply yaaa